Snes Melancholy?

snesI am Nintendophile. Here we are, I said it. Every now and then the nostalgia takes over, leading me to dust off my NES or SNES and start a new round. With the advent of next-gen though, the big N seems be on the outside looking in. Although represented by the WiiU and 3DS, both have failed to equal the successes of the past: the day when the Japanese company was really leading the gaming industry.

However, if you canโ€™t escape that feeling of nostalgia, it might be time to get an Oculus Rift. ChallengeMapSalvage recently demonstrated a SNES emulator called Complete to Palmer Luckey, creator of the Oculus Rift. Guys, they are all here: Kirby, Donkey Kong and The Legend of Zelda are shown in their VR incarnation in the video at the bottom. Obviously, these older games canโ€™t be adapted in the same way as contemporary titles, but it does allow the player to peer closely at the finer details in the world of Link or traps in Bowserโ€™s castle. The feeling is quite unique and will surely make happy the nostalgic players.

The procedure to follow in order to play SNES titles on the Oculus Rift looks very simple and is explained on the official forum of Oculus VR users with a step by step on how to do it and which files to download for the best visual results.

[youtube id=”AcCmYi8X6gE” width=”600″ height=”350″]

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