Suda51 going elephant


Oculus Rift told us that we could become anything. So, we decided to become an elephant. We’ve already talked about Dumpy: Going Elephants, a game for the Rift that let us see the world from the eyes of an LSD-addicted elephant. Looks like someone famous really loves being an elephant. When Suda51, the creator of Killer7, came to visited Oculus Room inside VIGAMUS, two weeks ago, he played some games. But the one he loved most? Well, we’re pretty sure it was Dumpy.

[youtube id=”usLlfxHq478″ width=”600″ height=”350″]

We’ve never seen someone that happy to be an elephant. Not even an elephant itself. But it seems that Suda51 is having a great time pretending he has grown an elephant trunk. Kudos to Dumpy‘s developer for having created such an imaginative and funny game.

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