Oculus Rift gets another cover story


It looks like UK ain’t the only place where Oculus Rift steals the spotlight to Sony’s and Microsoft’s big guns PS4 and XBONE. After PC Gamer, this time it’s Game Republic, Italian multiformat magazine, to dedicate its cover to the visor developed by Palmer Luckey and co. As you can see, issue 154 of the mag is pretty  positive about the future: “What if the real next gen was this?” In the cover story, a 10-pages special feature about Oculus Rift and its best games and applications, Game Republic investigates the earth shaking success of the popular virtual reality visor and what this could mean for the future of the so called next gen systems. Needless to say, we strongly believe in Oculus Rift’s chances to deliver the only real revolution in the game industry since the dynamic duo of Mario & Lara brought us 3D into our living rooms. As the Italian magazine is suggesting, the addiction of Matt Hooper (former id Soft’s Creative Director) as Head of Development of Oculus VR, just push further the boundaries of what the Rift is going to deliver to the market come 2014, when the product is expected to be launched. Game Republic 154 will hit Italian newsstand on November 5th.
